Daniel Fischer

The Scream Of Music

The Scream Of Music / Ars Electronica Maindeck

Foto: rootman

"The Scream Of Music" ist eine Audioinstallation im öffentlichen Raum, die Symbole nationaler Identität, Kommunikation und Grenzen neu interpretiert. Ein ikonisches Bild aus dem berühmten Film "The Sound of Music", welcher stark mit Österreich assoziiert ist, wird in diesem Kunstwerk in Jodelgesang umgewandelt und mit Hilfe eines LRAD (Long Range Acoustic Device) Lautsprechers über die Donau in Linz übertragen. Ursprünglich als nicht-tödliche Waffe vom US Verteidigungsministerium entwickelt, dient das LRAD unter anderem als Abschreckung an der EU Außengrenze. Der Jodelgesang wird auf der anderen Seite der Donau, mit Hilfe von AI unterstützter Audio-Mustererkennung wieder in visuelle Informationen umgewandelt, als Postkarten ausgedruckt und auf einer Leinwand zu einem Gesamtbild zusammengefügt. Die Performance findet während des Ars Electronica Festivals an vier Tagen zu jeweisls 3 Stunden statt und Besucher können den Jodelgesang auf den Stufen des Ars Electronica Centers erleben.

Liberté Fragile

Liberte Fragile at French Embassy Vienna

Foto: Fischer

This artwork explores the paradox of freedom and fragility. A transparent box etched with "fragile" symbolizes liberty's vulnerability. A radiant sign reading "liberté" glows in calming green and blue, representing peaceful freedom. However, when touched, the light flickers red, highlighting the consequences of freedom under threat. This interactive piece reminds viewers of the need to protect liberty, sparking reflection on our role in safeguarding it for future generations. The installation's interplay of light, color, and touch emphasizes the delicate beauty of freedom.


watermap table

Foto: eva777

A physical live weather visualization. Water is life. Without water, nothing organic exists. This water ins tallation visualizes - symbolically - how rain brings the whole world to life. In a very tangible way of presenting and visualizing data, rain is represented by real drops of water. The installation features a black, wooden pedestal with a recessed world map filled with sand. Technically, the realization is done by a mini-computer, which eva luates live weather data and positions a water tank in an X-Y system above the world map. At places with precipitation, water drops fall onto the sand.

Spectral Surrounding

Spectral Surrounding Kunstuniversität Linz

Foto: Indiara DiBenedetto

“Spectral Surrounding” is an interactive installation that visualizes radio frequencies in the exhibition room. 700 LED lights, arranged in a grid above the visitors, react to different signals. They show live detected mobile radio signals as well as data communication like wifi and blue tooth transmissions from the devices that visitorsbring along. The conceptual starting point was the quite con troversial idea of creating awareness for the signals sur roundingus. What do our everyday devices emit? How much invisible communication is going on around us? Contrary to what we might imagine, a chaotic tangle of a wide variety of signals on a broad range of channels is permanently all around us. This data is translated to visu al feedback, on a scale that spatially surrounds the spec tator. This work aims to point out the extent to which we are constantly digitally active, and how our communica tion behavior inevitably leads to distraction by all kinds of information.


  • Global Shift - on going

    date: september 2022 -

    place: Ars Electronica Center - Linz (AT)

    artwork: watermap


    In a world full of digital data, which is constantly shown to us on various displays, this project shows a different kind of presentation in a haptic and more immediate way. Analog precipitation measurement data is returned to its original medium and presented live as fall of water drops. The drops leave traces and paint a fragile picture somewhere in-between the present and the past. In a world full of digital data, which is constantly shown to us on various displays, this project shows a different kind of presentation in a haptic and more immediate way. Weather data, which is otherwise displayed locally on individual cell phones, appears here in a global context. The world map invites us not only to take a look at the weather events at the current time, but also to think beyond our personal perception – both spatially and temporally. The piece should bring back to our minds the inestimable value of the element of water and its distribution.


  • NOUS - Interface Cultures at Ars Electronica 2024

    date: 4. september 2024 - 8. september 2024

    place: Ars Electronica Festival 2024 - Linz (AT)

    artwork: The Scream Of Music

    more info

    The Scream of Music is an innovative audio installation in a public space that reinterprets national identity, communication, and borders. An iconic image from The Sound of Music, associated with Austria, is transformed into yodeling music and transmitted across the Danube in Linz using an LRAD (long range acoustic device) loudspeaker. The yodeling is decoded back into visual information, transferred onto postcards via AI audio pattern recognition, and assembled to reveal the complete picture.


    date: july 2023

    place: FMR 2023 - Linz (AT)

    artwork: Tele Agri Culture Board V2.1

    project page
    more info

    TeleAgriCulture Board V2.1 is a modular and open source hardware platform for urban agriculture and ecology projects.

  • Exhibition - Französischer Nationalfeiertag 2023

    date: 14. july 2023

    place: Ambassade de France en Autriche / Französische Botschaft in Wien (AT)

    artwork: Liberté Fragile

    more info

    This artwork embodies a compelling paradox, exploring the delicate balance between freedom and fragility. The transparent box itself bears a single word etched upon its side: „fragile.“ This inscription, imbued with a sense of vul- nerability, serves as a poignant reminder that freedom is not invincible; it is de- licate and easily disrupted. The fragility symbolizes the precariousness of liberty and evokes contemplation about the in- tricate nature of the human experience.

  • Crossing the Bridge - Interface Cultures at Ars Electronica 2022

    date: 6. september 2022 - 10. september 2022

    place: Kunstuniversität Linz (AT)

    artwork: Spectral Surrounding

    more info

    Spectral Surrounding is an interactive installation that visualizes radio frequencies. 700 LED lights, arranged in a grid above the visitors, react to different signals. They show live detected mobile radio signals as well as data communication such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth transmissions from the devices that visitors bring along. How aware are we of the signals that our everyday devices emit? How much invisible communication is going on around us? A chaotic tangle of the most diverse signals permanently surrounds us. This data is translated to visual feedback that surrounds the spectator. This work aims to point out the extent to which we are constantly digitally active, and how our communication behavior inevitably leads to our being distracted by all kinds of information.

  • TIME OUT .11

    date: 14. june 2022 - end of september 2022

    place: Ars Electronica Center Linz (AT)

    artwork: watermap

    more info

    TIME OUT geht in die elfte Runde! Studierende der Studienrichtung „Zeitbasierte und Interaktive Medienkunst“ an der Kunstuniversität Linz zeigen wieder ausgewählte Arbeiten im Ars Electronica Center.

  • QUWOCHE: Electro Brunch VOL. 1

    date: 1. may 2022

    place: Ehem. Wirtshaus zur Schießhalle, Waldeggstraße 116, Linz (AT)

    artwork: the tram is near


    matrix display of urban transport

  • LOOPS OF WISDOM - Timebased and Interactive Media at Ars Electronica 2021

    date: 8. september 2021 - 12. september 2021

    place: Kunstuniversität Linz (AT)

    artwork: watermap

    more info

    LOOPS OF WISDOM is not a solution but a possible guide to action: a well-conceived set of inspiring exhibitions, presentations, performances, interventions, workshops and lab settings and a discursive platform, all by students and faculty of the University of Art and Design Linz on the occasion of the Ars Electronica Festival 2021.


  • Ars Electronica Center / Global Shift. watermap. https://ars.electronica.art, Link, September 2023.
  • TIM PREZELJ. Nov digitalni dogovor / A New Digital Deal. http://likovnebesede.org, Link, Autumn 2021.
  • Ars Electronica Festival 24. Lynceus’ Dream - The Scream Of Music. https://ars.electronica.art, Link, 04.09.2024.
  • Ars Electronica Festival 24. Lynceus’ Dream - The Scream Of Music. https://ars.electronica.art, Link, 04.09.2024.
  • Ars Electronica Festival 24 Campus Ausstellung. Lynceus’ Dream - The Scream Of Music. https://kunstuni-linz.at, Link, 04.09.2024.
  • Ars Electronica Festival 24 Campus Ausstellung. NOUS Interface Cultures- The Scream Of Music. https://kunstuni-linz.at, Link, 04.09.2024.
  • Interface Cultures - NOUS. NOUS Interface Cultures- The Scream Of Music. https://interface.ufg.ac.at/blog/nous/, Link, 04.09.2024.
  • ooe ORF - Lärmbeschwerden: Jodel-Auftritt gestoppt. The Scream Of Music. https://ooe.orf.at, Link, 07.09.2024.
  • DiePresse.com - Jodel-Auftritt bei Ars Electronica Festival in Linz nach Anrainer-Beschwerden abgesagt. The Scream Of Music. https://diepresse.com, Link, 07.09.2024.
  • Kurier.at - Jodel-Performance in Linz wegen Lärmbeschwerden abgesagt. The Scream Of Music. https://kurier.at, Link, 07.09.2024.
  • Krone.at - Ars Electronica Linz - Lärmbeschwerde: Jodel-Auftritt wurde abgesagt. The Scream Of Music. https://krone.at, Link, 07.09.2024.
  • Heute.at - Trotz Genehmigung – Zu laut gejodelt! Künstler muss Show vorzeitig beenden. The Scream Of Music. https://heute.at, Link, 07.09.2024.
  • Nachrichten.at - Lärmbeschwerden: Jodel-Auftritt bei Ars Electronica Festival abgesagt. The Scream Of Music. https://nachrichten.at, Link, 07.09.2024.
  • Heute.at - Daniel Fischer – Zu laut gejodelt! Künstler muss Show bei Ars Electronica vorzeitig abbrechen. The Scream Of Music. https://heute.at, Link, 07.09.2024.
  • msn.com - Lärmbeschwerde: Jodel-Auftritt wurde abgesagt. The Scream Of Music. https://msn.com, Link, 07.09.2024.
  • PULS24.at - Holladrio! Lärmbeschwerde bei Jodel-Auftritt. The Scream Of Music. https://puls24.at, Link, 07.09.2024.
  • Ars Electronica Festival 22 - Exhibition Projects – Welcome to Planet B. Spectral Surrounding. https://ars.electronica.at, Link, 06.09.2022.
  • Ars Electronica Festival 22 - Interface Cultures | Von Schwarzen Schwänen... Crossing the Bridge - Spectral Surrounding. https://ufg.at, Link, 06.09.2022.
  • Ars Electronica Festival 22 - Kunstuniversität Linz: Von Schwarzen Schwänen …. Crossing the Bridge - Spectral Surrounding. https://kunstuni-linz.at, Link, 06.09.2022.
  • Ars Electronica Festival 21 - Kunstuniversität Linz: LOOPS of WISDOM. Loops of Wisdom - watermap. https://kunstuni-linz.at, Link, 07.09.2021.
  • Kunstuniversität Linz. Loops Of Wisdom - watermap. https:youtube.com, Link, 08.09.2021.
  • Ars Electronica Festival 21 - Timebased & Interactive Media: LOOPS of WISDOM. Loops of Wisdom - watermap. https://ufg.at, Link, 07.09.2021.
  • Ars Electronica Festival 21 - Ars Electronica Campus: LOOPS OF WISDOM – A New Digital Deal. Loops of Wisdom - watermap. https://ars.electronica.at, Link, 07.09.2021.
  • Ars Electronica Festival 21 - LOOPS OF WISDOM: an artistic guide to action – Ars Electronica Blog. Loops of Wisdom - watermap. https://ars.electronica.at, Link, 07.09.2021.
  • Ars Electronica Festival 21 - watermap | Loops Of Wisdom. Loops of Wisdom - watermap. https://ufg.at, Link, 07.09.2021.
  • Tom Mesic. watermap / Daniel Fischer (AT) | Photo showing the Project. https://flickr.com, Link, 07.09.2021.
  • k.at Linzer Kunstuni mit "Loops of Wisdom" bei Ars Electronica. Loops of Wisdom - watermap. https://k.at, Link, 07.09.2021.
  • sn.at Linzer Kunstuni mit "Loops of Wisdom" bei Ars Electronica. Loops of Wisdom - watermap. https://sn.at, Link, 07.09.2021.
  • tt.at Linzer Kunstuni mit "Loops of Wisdom" bei Ars Electronica. Loops of Wisdom - watermap. https://tt.at, Link, 07.09.2021.
  • vol.at Linzer Kunstuni mit "Loops of Wisdom" bei Ars Electronica. Loops of Wisdom - watermap. https://vol.at, Link, 07.09.2021.