Daniel Fischer

current work @ Ars Electronica Festival 2024:

The Scream of Music

yodeling a picture over the danube

Use of symbols of national identity in a critical way
in an ART INTERVENTION in public space.

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Credit: Eva77

The Scream Of Music

yodeling a picture over the danube

"The Scream Of Music" ist eine innovative Audioinstallation im öffentlichen Raum, die Symbole nationaler Identität, Kommunikation und Grenzen neu interpretiert. Ein ikonisches Bild aus dem berühmten Film "The Sound of Music", der stark mit Österreich assoziiert wird, wird in diesem Kunstwerk in Jodelgesang umgewandelt und mit Hilfe eines LRAD (Long Range Acoustic Device) Lautsprechers über die Donau in Linz übertragen. Ursprünglich als nicht-tödliche Waffe vom US-Verteidigungsministerium entwickelt, dient das LRAD unter anderem als Abschreckung an der EU Außengrenze. Der Jodelgesang wird auf der anderen Seite der Donau, mit Hilfe von AI unterstützter Audio-Mustererkennung wieder in visuelle Informationen umgewandelt, als Postkarten ausgedruckt und auf einer Leinwand zu einem Gesamtbild zusammengefügt.

"The Scream Of Music" is an innovative audio installation situated in public space, reinterpreting symbols of national identity, communication, and borders. An iconic image from the famous film "The Sound of Music", which is strongly associated with Austria, is transformed into yodeling in this artwork and transmitted across the Danube in Linz with the help of an LRAD (Long Range Acoustic Device) loudspeaker. Originally developed as a non-lethal weapon by the US Department of Defense, the LRAD serves as a deterrent at the EU's external border. The yodeling is then decoded back into visual information, transferred onto postcards via AI audio pattern recognition, and assembled on a frame to reveal the complete picture.
watermap @AEC
watermap surface
current work @ Ars Electronica Center:


physical live weather visualization

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watermap @ Arselectronica Center
watermap @AEC
Credit: Ars Electronica / Martin Hieslmair


physical live weather visualization

Water is life.

Ohne Wasser existiert nichts Organisches. Diese Wasserinstallation visualisiert - symbolisch - wie Regen die ganze Welt zum Leben erweckt. In einer sehr greifbaren Art und Weise, Daten zu präsentieren und zu visualisieren, wird Regen durch echte Wassertropfen dargestellt. Die Installation zeigt ein schwarzes, hölzernes Podest mit einer vertieften Weltkarte, gefüllt mit Sand. Technisch erfolgt die Realisierung durch einen Minicomputer, welcher live Wetterdaten auswertet und einen Wassertank in einem X-Y-System über der Weltkarte positioniert. An Stellen mit Niederschlag fallen Wassertropfen auf den Sand.

Without water, nothing organic exists. This water installation visualizes - symbolically - how rain brings the whole world to life. In a very tangible way of presenting and visualizing data, rain is represented by real drops of water. The installation features a black, wooden pedestal with a recessed world map filled with sand. Technically, the realization is done by a mini-computer, which evaluates live weather data and positions a water tank in an X-Y system above the world map. At places with precipitation, water drops fall onto the sand.


In the past years I was able to realize some works in the context of my studies and in the environment of the Linz Hackerspace dev/lol. Mainly interactive projects with electronic components. Thereby I deepened my knowledge in dealing with sensors, microcontrollers and pcb design.

  • OSC Device

    OSC device

    The OSC Interface Device is the core element for the direct translation of performance, dance and gestures into digital content. The device was developed as part of the class „Object-oriented programming in Deep Space“ by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gerhard Funk and was therefore specially developed for the Deep Space of the Ars Electronica Center. Its purpose is the versatile use of the device for visually supported live dance performances and visual media content.
  • TeleAgriCulture Board V2.1

    TeleAgriCulture Board V2.1

    The TeleAgriCulture Board V2.1 is a versatile and customizable board that can be used for various applications such as: Monitoring soil moisture, temperature, humidity, light intensity and other parameters of your plants or crops Connecting to the Internet via WiFi or LoRaWAN and sending/receiving data Creating interactive art installations or educational projects that use environmental data as input
  • UpCycle Controller

    UpCycle Controller

    After we received a number of old LED panels, it was clear that we would give them a new purpose. To do this, we had to build a controller for them. We decided to use the inexpensive and versatile Raspberry Pico microcontroller as a basis in combination with level shifters to cope with the 5V logic voltage.


Daniel Fischer

1978 in Tirol geboren, aufgewachsen im Burgenland, lebt nun in Linz. Nach einer abgeschlossenen technischen Ausbildung im Bereich Elektrotechnik/Informationstechnologie, fand er seine Liebe zur Kunst und studiert nun an der Kunstuniversität Linz. Seine Arbeiten haben den Schwerpunkt Mensch / Technik / Wahrnehmung.

Born in Tyrol in 1978, grew up in Burgenland, now lives in Linz. After completing a technical education in the field of electrical engineering / information technology, he found his love for art and is now studying at the Art University of Linz. His works have a focus on humanity / technology / perception.

IoT lights


...send some color to the world :-)

Color value gets sent to multiple locations and little lights show up

In the development of the information society, things are increasingly equated with their information. The Internet of Things now describes the possibility of attaching this information to the thing and storing or processing it centrally. Using the concept of reification by Georg Lukács, information can now be associated with value. The value of the object consists in the value of its data. According to the Marxian critique of ideology, social properties are transformed into natural properties. This casts a different light on people and their data in view of the collecting frenzy of multinational data grapper.
